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Durgamata's Shop

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(based on 485 reviews)

A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
Britain's Secret Schindler -  Nicholas Winton

Britain's Secret Schindler - Nicholas Winton

chanel 5 at 8 pm on Thursday 27th Jan - in response to Holocaust memorial day a 45 minute programme about the Kindertransport which rescued Jewish children from Czechoslovakia this is an article about Nicholas Winton and the events around the kindertransport
Five Pillars of Islam - especially Zakat

Five Pillars of Islam - especially Zakat

The Five Pillars file is from Wikki but I have added some comments relating to supporting Muslim students who are fasting during Ramadan. Also how to respond if a Muslim student claims that s/he can’t attend a detention because of fasting. I am including good contributions from the thread here too.
Christianity - sources and ideas including texts

Christianity - sources and ideas including texts

Here are some files relating to The Sermon on the Mount, The Golden Rule and the Parable of the Good Samaritan, just to start this section. I will add to it - and please contact me with PMs to share the passages and other resources which you find useful. I can either include them here or add to a page of references. also - as always, please give comments and feedback. This is a resource for you. i want to know how to improve it.
ideas for a lesson on war and peace

ideas for a lesson on war and peace

commenting step by step on a lesson plan for a lesson on war and peace: Learning objecitves are - To express your own opinion about war and peace. To explore religious attitudes to war and peace. To inform your peers about Christian and Muslim beliefs about war and peace. I mention some of the factors underlying some of the so called 'religious wars' and give a few examples of conflict situations which I have met in school as both a teacher and parent.
Reflections On Life part 2 - InterFaith with music

Reflections On Life part 2 - InterFaith with music

Slide Show listed as video - closest description. Contact me 4 'sound track' for Inter Faith Workshops. Includes Chinese, African, Native American, Bah&'ai, Jain and Rastafarian texts/images + the &';Main Six'. Also uploaded in two sections as the full one won&'t load for some + a text only one (includes some images which communicate in a non-verbal way for follow-up work. Edit to suit your groups as full one is 25 mins. Contact me to suggest other images/text/music to use.. Do put some feedback and ratings
Christian Diversity and Life after Death

Christian Diversity and Life after Death

This is also good for Post 16 Part 1 = overview of Christianity Part 2 = three 'Christnn perspectives&' to aid understanding of what Christians are really like. The Poster-information-sheets in bothPublisher and PDF Christian beliefs - Part 1 + 2 of a series by Emma Newby, adapted to give more insight into the diversity of Christian interpretation and belief. Files of Bible References. Three files on interpretation of The Book of Revelation - extension work / Post 16 PPt Slide-show on Parable of Sheep and Goats includes interfaith reflections.
Religious Identity

Religious Identity

A favourite activity is when each pupil creates a Religious Identity Passport. I have several models for this. I've used simple versions with year 6 on induction day - quite detailed ones with years 10 and 11 – and all the stages between for years 7 – 9. The Outline is a form I am sending to those who apply for my courses, so I can plan group-work. When exploring Religious Identity in the classroom you use the same language.so while you may need to unpack the form for younger pupils, the form covers everything and may be easily adapted.
Irish Gaelic, Indian flute, Mantra and more

Irish Gaelic, Indian flute, Mantra and more

peaceful music for reflection and meditation - a wide range but nothing African yet. I will add to this if you suggest your own favourite youtube music videos. Use these for your own meditation and de-stress exercises at the end of the day - as well as with your classes. You may like to use some for starters or plenary reflection. Great for Religious Education and Music classes.
Experiential Pilgrimage Wellbeing

Experiential Pilgrimage Wellbeing

This resource talks teachers through a powerful Experiential lesson on pilgrimage based on an exercise which is part of the Pilgrimage to Iona. Two stones are taken from the beach where St. Columba landed and used for reflection on letting go of guilt/regret and recognising inner qualities which we need to value more and treasure.
Avesha Presentations, workshops, inset on Hinduism

Avesha Presentations, workshops, inset on Hinduism

Taken from Avesha's website, all the info is here to check out what is on offer. These workshops and insets are given by someone who knows Hinduism from the inside and has trained as an educator. The prices are fair and if they are a problem there is flexibility here. I have also included some of the comments and responses to Avesha's work and some of the images from a slide show visit to ISKON's headquarters.
continuation of articles and comments re the riots

continuation of articles and comments re the riots

more interesting and insightful articles with some of the comments from the related forums - I have chosen a fair variety of views to encourage debate. The Anarchy News article was recommended by a friend! Those articles which I find most useful I have marked with AA or AAA rating, In some articles I have highlighted sections that if I were preparing material for use in school I would include - and blue highlighting indicates particularly pertinent sections - but of course this is a personal reaction. By copying the material in an Unformatted style they will be easy for you to edit.
Key Words for learning and revision - a game

Key Words for learning and revision - a game

This resource is in process. There is an outline describing how to play the game, a blank table in which you or your pupils can suggest Key Words to include, a page of Key Words to begin with (1A) and an outline of the 1B table which will give meanings to the words in 1A. What is best about this game is that 'wrong&' answers are encouraged. Those who know the answer can think about the key words they are holding and try to link them with the meaning given.
Wedding Season

Wedding Season

From time to time I have mentioned a role-play Wedding exercise I have done with GCSE classes. I just came across some files relating to this from 2007. In 2007 I was HOD of RE and our year 10 classes did a 'Wedding Season.’ We explored weddings from the perspective of several denominations and the classes really enjoyed it. I include a detailed report on one wedding. I will add the ‘script,’ the music and photos - when I find them, but there is enough here to help other teachers to plan a similar event. It is a lot of work but well worth the exercise.
Readings on the subject of Anatta - Buddhism

Readings on the subject of Anatta - Buddhism

A selection of articles and reflections on the subject of Anatta. I include several sources which explore Anatta and some exercises including an essay outline. Pupils and students can also use silent reflection to explore self and change, just watching their thoughts. Afterwards write notes of what they remember thinking about + colour code these notes, to show which thoughts related to past, present, future or the world of imagination. Then discuss observations re Anatta and Anicca.
Why Does A Mother Hit Her Child? Reflections -

Why Does A Mother Hit Her Child? Reflections -

This file explores the answer a spiritual teacher gave to the question of Why Does A Mother Hit Her Child? Is she a bad mother? His answer was, No - she is not a bad mother, She just ran out of peace. Reflecting on this DurgaMata shares two stories about her honorary grandsons and mistakes they have made - in a cautionary tale the eldest (then aged 17) is sentenced for causing death by dangerous driving. In the story of my grandson's first child the younger one (now aged 22) is taken unconscious from his burning flat. I ask - What is inner peace and where can we obtain it? How can we support our students, some of whom will be seeing (or suffering from) Domestic Abuse of one kind or another - and what strategies can we give them to find peace for themselves and their families - and not grow up into adults who are likely to abuse their partners or children?
Conversation between theist and atheist teachers

Conversation between theist and atheist teachers

This is copied from a thread on my messages. Tonight I answered the atheists statement in some detail and it occurred to me that this conversation would be useful when exploring the God question in school. I would love some feedback, especially questions that your own pupils may ask - so I could make my response more comprehensive and useful. the one I have just put up - (in progress) is probably the last in this series as I am now working with the atheist teacher to turn it into a book which will, hopefully, do justice to both our different viewpoints.
Strategies to improve listening and leadership

Strategies to improve listening and leadership

My subject specialism is Religious Education and I am sharing here an exercise which I find very useful when presenting students with information about a new subject. They work in groups of three. This is designed to improve listening skills and understanding. The exercise is by no means only useful in an RE setting so I am sharing it with other subjects too. I also include here two articles forwarded from some my business mentor emailed to me - one on listening and one on leadership. I hope you find them helpful. Do give some feedback.
The Bhagavad Gita translated by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita translated by Juan Mascaro

In process - ch 4 half - A royal family, divided by greed and jealousy, faces a battle which symbolises the eternal battle between good and evil. Arjuna asks his charioteer Sri Krishna, to drive his chariot between the two armies. In both armies he sees friends and relatives. He is grief-stricken at the immanent destruction and refuses to fight. Sri Krishna says he must fight. Arjuna begs Krishna to teach him, and Krishna does. This conversation is recorded as 'The Song Celestial' - the Bhagavad Gita - and encompasses the essence of Hindu teaching.
Reflctns on Lf no commentary peace, war, glbl wrmg

Reflctns on Lf no commentary peace, war, glbl wrmg

Another in this popular series, no commentary. 212 slides C 20 minutes. Some disturbing images. Explores natural beauty, spirituality, family diversity, peace, war, poverty, harmony with nature, Global Warming, responses to suffering, diversity of age, disability etc with some great quotes. 'If you made a slide-show, reflecting on life from your perspective - what would you change- (add or take out?) What other causes of suffering can you think of? Collect relevant poems and quotes, etc Listed as video = use it with music. Contact me if you would like a list of music that works well.